Xan Curricán guides us through the streets of Vilanova de Arousa, a village full of picturesque portraits and endless epiphanies.
A ollada de Xán Curricán guíanos polas rúas da Vilanova de Arousa, unha vila chea de grandes cadros e interminables epifanías.
16mm | Color | 15 min. | Spain & United Kingdom | 2014
Curricán Iago Ferreiro
Avó Celso Bugallo
Irmán Javier Fernández
Written & Directed by Álvaro Gago
Produced by Álvaro Gago
Cinematographer: Rafael Medina Adalfio
Art Director:
Editor: Álvaro Gago
Music: Nico Casal
Distribution: Marvin&Wayne
Producción: Sombriza Films
Country: Spain
Language of the original version: Galician
Subtitles: English, Spanish
Shooting Format: 16mm
Sound Format: Dolby 5.1
Location: Galicia, Spain
Director's Statement
"We don't know where life will take us, but we can get to know where we come from, who are our loved ones and which is the land that gave us birth. If we have a clear mind about this, we've already gone a long way".
As soon as I heard these words I thought: ¡How wise! I want to know about my people and my roots. It is the only way forward. A look into the past, an observation upon the memory with the objective of bringing it to the epicentre of a personal and global interest. That is how Curricán was born, as a result of one of the many conversations with my relatives at home. Most of the time, the stories are right there, if front of your eyes. Simple stories that we might have heard hundreds of times, suddenly become extraordinary.
“Non sabemos onde nos levará a vida, pero si sabemos de ónde procedemos, quénes son os nosos e cál é a terra que nos deu a orixe. E si temos esto claro, levamos moito andado na vida”.
Tan pronto coma escoitei estas verbas pensei: ¡Cánta razón! Eu quero saber, quero coñecer, quero estudar quenes son os meus e cales son as miñas raíces. So así saberei camiñar hacia diante. Un ollar ao pasado, unha reflexión sobre a memoria co único obxetivo de recuperala e traela ao epicentro do interés personal e global. Así nace Curricán, como consecuencia dunha das moitas conversas de sobremesa cos meus, na miña casa. Normalmente as historias que un pode contar están ahí, á vista, preto de nos. Son historias sinxelas que posiblemente teramos escoitado centos de veces, e que de repente se volven extraordinarias.
Festivals & Awards
Curtocircuito Int. Short Film Festival, Spain, 2014 - Best Director
Vitoria-Gasteiz Short Film Festival, Spain, 2014
Málaga Film Festival, Spain, 2015
IBAFF Murcia Int. Film Festival, Spain, 2015
Cans Film Festival, Spain, 2015 - Best Short Film
Primavera do Cine Film Festival, Spain, 2015 - Best Short Film
FicBueu Int. Short Film Festival, Spain, 2015
Int. Film Festival for Children - AniFestROZAFA, Albania, 2015
Other Screenings + Q/A
Galician Film Forum, London, 2015
Vicente Cañada Blanch Institute, London, 2015
Balliol College, Oxford University, Oxford, 2015
Chano Piñeiro High School, Forcarei (Galicia), 2015
Hiroshima Venue, Barcelona, 2015
La casa del cine, México DF, 2015
La casa de arriba, Vigo, 2016
Teatre Arniches, Alicante, 2016