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On a sunny Sunday afternoon, a group of kids play with bubbles in the park.


Unha tarde de domingo soleada, un grupo de nenos e nenas xogan no parque con pompas de auga.

Digital | Color | 3 min. | Spain | 2015

Niña Laia Pardo

Written & Directed by Álvaro Gago
Produced by Álvaro Gago
Cinematographer: Kike Rico
Editor: Álvaro Gago

Producción: Black Factory Cinema
Country: Spain
Language of the original version: Catalan
Shooting Format: Canon 5D Mark II  Canon 200-400mm lens
Location: Barcelona

Director's Statement


This is a proyect that was born within the framework of the worworkshop that Abbas Kiarostami gave in the city of Barcelona, February 2015. A group of filmmakers had the honour to get to know him and share ten intense days with him in which we brainstorm, rehearse, shoot and edit our ideas. A theme was given to us at the beginning of the workshop, one that will narrow our freedom in order for us to be able to start working. The theme was 'The sea'.

At first instance, the sea transported me to those summer days when I would play with the waves for hours and hours, to that happiness and freedom that every kid experiences when surrounded by water. It was an impulse that I initially had to set aside, but that couldn't avoid any longer when I saw a group of kids playing with bubbles at the Ciutadella Park.  Those images brought back past intuitions, established paralelisms between both context and formulated a question: ¿Would I be able to capture that joy, that I, like all those restless kids, experienced years ago?


Este é un proxecto que nace no marco do taller que impartiu Abbas Kiarostami na cidade de Barcelona ​​no mes de febreiro do ano 2015. Un grupo de cineastas tivemos a sorte de coñecer e compartir con él dez días intensos de exposición de ideas, ensaios, rodaxe e edición. O tema central en torno ao cal todas as ideas tiñan que xerminar era 'O mar'.

O mar levoume nun primeiro instante ao xogo, á ledicia que supón estar rodeado de auga. Foi un impulso que quedou aparcado ata que vin a varios nenos xogando con pompas de auga xigantes no parque da Ciutadella. Foron esas imaxes as que rescataron a intuición pasada, estableceron un paralelismo entre ambas situacións e formularon unha pregunta: ¿Sería quén de capturar esa ledicia que eu, como todos aqueles nenos bule-bules, experimentara anos atrás?

Festivals & Awards

Fajr International Film Festival, Irán, 2015

Shorty Week International Film Festival, Spain, 2016

Festival Fenêtre sur l'Europe, France, 2016 - Audience Award

CMS Children's International Film Festival, India, 2016

Wolves Independent International Film Festival, 2016

Other Screenings + Q/A

Balliol College, Oxford University, Oxford, 2015

Teatre Arniches, Alicante, 2016

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